
Completed February 28th 2024

Project Screener X

We developed a state-of-the-art crypto screener that revolutionized the way traders identify and capitalize on scalping opportunities.

Evermind Digital


We developed a state-of-the-art crypto screener that revolutionized the way traders identify and capitalize on scalping opportunities in the fast-paced cryptocurrency market. By seamlessly integrating with live Binance data and leveraging advanced technical analysis algorithms, the screener provided users with real-time insights and actionable signals for trading on a 1-minute timeframe. The intuitive and visually stunning user interface offered a comprehensive overview of all relevant tokens, enabling traders to quickly assess market conditions and make informed trading decisions. With customizable technical indicators, real-time alerts, and one-click trade execution, this cutting-edge tool empowered traders to efficiently navigate the market and maximize their profit potential through effective scalping strategies.


  1. A powerful and visually appealing crypto screener with live Binance data integration
  2. Real-time technical analysis and signal generation for 1-minute timeframe trading
  3. Comprehensive token overview with key metrics and performance indicators
  4. Customizable technical indicators and charting tools for personalized analysis
  5. Real-time alerts and notifications for potential scalping opportunities
  6. One-click trade execution directly from the screener interface
  7. Advanced filtering and sorting options to identify tokens based on specific criteria
  8. Backtesting and performance analytics to evaluate and optimize trading strategies
  9. Secure API integration with Binance for seamless data retrieval and trade execution
  10. Detailed documentation, video tutorials, and customer support resources


The project was executed in five phases over a period of 6 months:

  1. Phase 1 (4 weeks): Requirements gathering, system architecture design, and Binance API integration planning
  2. Phase 2 (10 weeks): Development of the crypto screener, technical analysis algorithms, and UI/UX design
  3. Phase 3 (4 weeks): Integration of real-time alerts, one-click trading, and backtesting functionality
  4. Phase 4 (3 weeks): Rigorous testing, bug fixing, and performance optimization
  5. Phase 5 (3 weeks): User onboarding, documentation creation, and support infrastructure setup


  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
  • Frameworks and Libraries: Django, Vue.js, NumPy, Pandas, TA-Lib
  • Database: PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Data Integration: Binance WebSocket API, RESTful API
  • Charting and Visualization: TradingView, D3.js
  • Hosting and Deployment: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Kubernetes
  • Security: OAuth 2.0, SSL/TLS, data encryption
  • Monitoring and Analytics: Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack

Success Metrics:

  1. 80% user satisfaction rating for screener performance and usability
  2. 60% of users executing at least 10 trades per day through the screener
  3. 40% month-over-month growth in user base and trading volume

By delivering a cutting-edge crypto screener with live Binance data and advanced technical analysis capabilities, we empowered traders to effectively navigate the fast-paced crypto market and capitalize on scalping opportunities. The screener's intuitive interface, real-time signals, and seamless trade execution positioned it as an indispensable tool for traders seeking to optimize their scalping strategies and maximize their profit potential. The project's success, measured by user adoption, trading performance improvements, and user satisfaction, demonstrated the screener's ability to revolutionize the way traders approach scalping and contribute to their overall success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading.