
Completed March 20th 2024

Project Team Flow

As a leading technology agency, we developed and deployed an advanced Microsoft Teams bot for a client.

Evermind Digital


As a leading technology agency, we developed and deployed an advanced Microsoft Teams bot for a client, aimed at enhancing workplace productivity by facilitating the creation, tracking, and management of employee weekly tasks. This bot also enabled managers to provide direct feedback efficiently. Integrated seamlessly into Microsoft Teams, it provided employees and managers with a streamlined interface for task management, eliminating the need to switch between applications and improving overall task flow and feedback loops.


  1. A custom Microsoft Teams bot tailored for efficient task management and real-time feedback.
  2. Features for real-time task creation, monitoring, and updating within the Microsoft Teams environment.
  3. An interactive management dashboard for task oversight and instant feedback provision.
  4. Automated notifications for task deadlines, modifications, and managerial remarks.
  5. Tailorable task categorization and prioritization to accommodate diverse team requirements.
  6. Weekly task reporting and progress automation.
  7. Direct linking with Microsoft’s Outlook and OneDrive for an integrated task management solution.
  8. Secure authentication processes to safeguard data privacy and manage access controls.
  9. An intuitive user interface designed for optimal functionality within Microsoft Teams.
  10. Advanced analytics capabilities to assess task engagement and productivity metrics.
  11. Stringent security protocols to protect confidential task-related data and user information.


The project rollout was strategically segmented into four main phases over a nine-month period:

  1. Phase 1 (2 months): Initial planning and design of the bot’s framework, focusing on its integration with Microsoft Teams.
  2. Phase 2 (3 months): Development of the bot's core features, such as task management, feedback mechanisms, and notification systems.
  3. Phase 3 (2 months): Enhancement of the bot’s functionality through integrations with additional Microsoft services and robust security implementations.
  4. Phase 4 (2 months): Conducting beta tests with a select group of users, refining functionalities based on feedback, and preparing for the full-scale launch.


  • Programming Languages: C#, JavaScript
  • Platform: Microsoft Bot Framework for integration with Microsoft Teams
  • Hosting and Data Services: Microsoft Azure
  • Databases: Azure SQL Database, Cosmos DB
  • APIs: Microsoft Graph API, Teams APIs
  • Security: Microsoft Identity Platform (Azure AD), integrated authentication systems
  • DevOps Tools: Azure DevOps for continuous integration and deployment

Success Metrics:

  1. Successful adoption of the bot across 10 departments within three months of launch.
  2. Over 95% positive feedback on its functionality and ease of use from the initial user base.
  3. A marked reduction in missed deadlines with a 40% improvement in task completion rates over six months.
  4. High user engagement, with approximately 80% of tasks consistently receiving timely feedback from managers.

By delivering this Microsoft Teams bot, our agency not only streamlined the client's task management processes but also enhanced the dynamics of manager-employee interactions. This project underscores our commitment to delivering innovative technological solutions that foster productivity and efficiency in modern work environments.